Starkt partnerskap för
Digital tillvÀxt
Canopy och LEO Academy Trust har samarbetat i mer Àn tvÄ Är och tillhandahÄllit utbildning, support och onlineverktyg.
LEO Academy Trust bestÄr av 6 skolor i London Borough of Sutton med 4 000 elever och mer Àn 400 anstÀllda. De Àr en avdelning för utbildningsdemonstratorskola för sin anvÀndning av teknik.
â Canopy och LEO Academy Trust har samarbetat i mer Ă€n tvĂ„ Ă„r och tillhandahĂ„llit utbildning, support och onlineverktyg. Detta har varit ett ömsesidigt fördelaktigt partnerskap med digitala ledare frĂ„n hela skolorna i LEO Academy Trust, betatestning och ge feedback om Workspace Skills.
En överblick
By 2021, Mount Waverley Heights Primary School had successfully implemented 1:1 Chromebooks for students in Years 3-6, but there was a need to ensure all students developed strong foundational digital literacy skills. The challenge was to provide a consistent approach that would engage all students, from the tech-savvy to the more reluctant learners, and support teachers in their professional development with Google Workspace tools.
Although the school had achieved Google Reference School status in 2020, it needed a structured way to align student digital skills with curriculum goals, ensuring both students and teachers were proficient in using Google Workspace efficiently.
LEO Academy Trust gav först ut Chromebooks till alla elever i Ärskurs 4 och rullade senare ut dem till alla elever i stiftelsen, efter att ha sett den enorma inverkan som 1:1-enheter kan ha pÄ undervisning och lÀrande. De behövde se till att lÀrare och elever anvÀnde denna teknik pÄ bÀsta möjliga sÀtt för att förbÀttra undervisning och lÀrande. NÀr utmaningarna med Covid-19 fick skolor att stÀnga, betonade detta vikten av att barn har starka digitala fÀrdigheter för att fÄ tillgÄng till och engagera sig i onlinelÀrande.
The Results
The introduction of Workspace Skills had a significant impact:
Increased student engagement: Students were motivated to upskill themselves and earn digital technology badges, making the learning process more enjoyable and goal-oriented.
Improved Chromebook efficacy: Through Workspace Skills, students became more proficient with both Google Workspace tools and Chromebook features, improving their efficiency and productivity.
Support for all learners: The self-paced nature of Workspace Skills allowed even the more reluctant students to succeed, providing an accessible and structured learning pathway.
Streamlined assessment: Teachers were able to assess students more efficiently, with more time dedicated to providing targeted support based on individual needs.
Ongoing staff development: Teachers found Workspace Skills useful for their own professional growth, helping them maintain certification and stay updated with Google Workspace tools.
What’s Next?
Mount Waverley Heights Primary School plans to continue using Workspace Skills as both a training and assessment tool for students and staff. As digital literacy becomes even more critical in education, the school is committed to ensuring that both students and teachers are equipped with the skills necessary to thrive in the digital world.